Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joseph Craig ..The End

Joseph Craig was born in February 1895 in Broolyn ,  N.Y. He lived on Elliot Place and had three brothers , Edward , Charles and William and a sister Anna. He work first as a truck driver . Then as a motorman for BMT. He married Violet Flynn in about 1916. they had three daughters , Lillian , Anna and Violet. On December 4  , 1938 he passed away from visceral congestion.

He never shot a British officer. However , there is a possibility that the story is somewhat true. Joseph's mother was Mary Cameron. Her father was Joseph Cameron. Cameron's lived only an hour and half from Belfast . I was told Joseph <Craig> was from Belfast. It very well could have been him. There is always fighting going on in Belfast. On an interesting note , Cameron is not at all Irish.. it's Scottish. So , Joseph Craig mystery is solved only to open a Cameron can of worms.

I want to thank my new found cousin for providing me with most of the this information.


  1. Welcome to the geneablogging community! You're my kind of gal - I can always eat some chocolate. :)

  2. Welcome! I'm so excited you not only broke down a brick wall but also found a new cousin. Congrats!

  3. Jennifer
    Chocolate I believe to be nectar of the gods!!

    I love finding new cousins!!
