Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Heart Henry

I finally did it. I made the trek to Brooklyn, to Holy Cross and I was rewarded with no headstone. My heart fell into my stomach. While I knew she was there, I got no closure from it. What I did get were some pictures of headstones of potential relatives. The above monument is one with several  family names on it.. John J. , Ethel and Cecelia. I'm wondering if both these plots were purahsed together since Violet needed to get permission from the plot owner to be buried there. She is also , alledgedly buried with her grandparents , who are not in the plot with her and not in nearby graves.

I have to say Holy Cross is a beautiful cemetary, I understand why years ago people used to have picnics in cemetaries. Once my head clears and Im over the disappointment I will go back there, just to look around if nothing else. I'm also going to submit the pictures I took to find a grave. Hopefully , someone will benefit from them. 

I just want to take this moment to say my husband is the sweetest man on the planet because he almost always accompanies me on these adventures.               

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